- Django UI components for perfectionists with deadlines
Server side rendering and UI components for a modern frontend.
- Checksums matter
When serving files over the internet, TCP and SSL are not enough.
- Inline form validation with Django and Htmx
Partial and progressive form validation without any Javascript.
- Let the code settle
Gain confidence when deploying critical changes.
- Djangonauts don't let djangonauts write Javascript
Why and how to fight JS fatigue with some Django and htmx.
- Endpoints matter
Entities can be identified by IDs, but also paths.
- Concurrent updates on Firestore documents
Can we achieve eventual consistency? Maybe something close to it?
- Reclaiming space from a big table in Postgres
After deleting columns or updating lots of rows.
- No-SQL databases are glorified caches
Thoughts on SQL vs No-SQL databases. When to use each.
- De-normalize with Firestore sub-collections for fun and profit
Can subcollections help denormalization be a not so terrible idea?
- Configuration is an API, not an SDK
A configuration architecture for the working dev.
- Deploying at 6am, a postmortem
Another chapter in the IT nightmare stories.
- Default is not set
How can you tell if an optional parameter was set or not?
- Configuration-friendly apps
Some guidelines for config management in general and Python apps in particular.
- Calendaring events with Python
Some gotchas you'll find when scheduling the next world's doomsday.
- The Backbone events waltz
Snippets that will show you that minimalist means versatile.
- Django's signal to noise
Keeping a balance between decoupled and maintainable code.
- The sorry state of jQuery plugins
Customization is not enough, some plugins simply do too much.
- The branch is dead, short live the branch!
Implement big changesets little by little. Don't let Theseus' ship sink!
- Mock yourself, not your tests
Every mock is a smell, avoid them as much as you can.